Sunday, August 27, 2006

Somehow, im thinking like how a mother should think. Somehow im thinking about how i want my kids to grow up, what kind of education i want for them and what i want to give them as a parent. Somehow me and Trav are talking about life in the future, and how prepared we are about it. (Even though we dont want to be parents now of course!) It's like, he's suddenly come out with an idea of a joint account. It's like he's really so serious about saving for ourselves for the sake of our future. Im glad he's serious though, coz it shows that he wants our relationship to step into another level - Hopefully the marriage level.

I know and am prepared for what's gonna happen in the future. We know what we want for each other. We know that we are gonna be a great loving parents in the future. (Not forgetting whacky too!) But we also know that there'd be alot of obstacles coming our way. It will be inevitable because of our differences in our backgrounds. I dont blame him and the more i dont want to withdraw away from the fact that we'd make a great married couple. (Although ive got to admit that it almost happened) Like you said trav, Through Thick And Thin we'd go through this together. :D

GrR.. I've never been so tired this much this school term. So many things have been happening, so many homework to do, so many things to prepare for and so much revision to do. My bed has never felt more comfortable. Have got my songs ready for pop ensemble. It's so not easy being band leader!! I havent even gone to the jamming part.. Lord, please watch over my ensemble and please let them be ready and prepared.. :D Thank you!

Oh well, Happy belated 4 months Trav baby! Haha.. Time's really passing so fast.. Looking forward to more with you! *winks* I love you! Mwahs!
8:25 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006

Sometimes i feel so selfish, and its only me to blame.. Im sorry i ever felt shitty for no reasons. Im glad you not only understood how i felt, but also how youd deal with it.

I love your patience. I wonder who could ever understand me like you do. I dont know whether id think this way again, but with you, maybe not for a long time..

We were sitting at our usual spot(Well not exactly) watching the fireworks. I thought i was already sick and tired of those colorful things, but somehow they made me smile and gaze in mesmerization. It felt like as if a happy seed was growing inside me and it spread all the way from its core to the outer layer of my body. I couldnt think of anything else but just to enjoy that moment with you.

You are right. We always leave our usual spot feeling happy and refreshed. I dont know how, but of course, its a good thing. Im so glad youre doing so much for me. There's too much to mention. You have my support sweetie, and i salute you for trying to kick your smoking addiction. You are a rare gem.. :D

Slap me for being such a bitch.
12:23 AM
Saturday, August 12, 2006

Im having the TTD again - Temporary Temperament Disorder. Though it sounds so easy and simple, it's vicious. Stay away from me coz im unstable. I usually have this a week before my period starts. But wth! I juz finished my period a few weeks ago so it cant be! Grr..

Ive been feeling this way ever since yesterday.. I hate talking and listening to the past.. It juz ignites whatever that im afraid of that would happen.. When i thought i was over them, it just burns and come alive again.. Maybe i just dont like listening to you talking about your past coz it makes me uncomfortable or maybe a teenie weenie bit jealous. (I mean the opposite when i say "Teenie Weenie") I dont like being jealous.. I wished i was "Jealous - Proof" or something.. I hate saying stuffs to you and end up feeling all shitty afterwards.. I just dun wanna sound as if im controlling your life.. What's wrong with me?!

See.. Im not such a perfect soulmate after all..

I remember all the things i used to think abt when i was with my exes.. All the thoughts juz fills my head until i thought i was going mental or something.. Id cry for no reason at all, get angry when no one pissed me off. I was worse than now.. Yep, we dont argue (which is great) but the way im having these stupid temperaments, i dont know how we're gonna end up.

I know i didnt talk to you. Coz i intended not to.. I didnt hold your hand. Coz i intended not to. I almost cried at work when Glenn asked me what i wanted to do for closing. Like, wtf?! That wasnt even a reason for a normal person to cry.. Went to the back room and felt like screaming to the wall.. Too bad you werent there.. It was so bad that i even told myself that if i finished early (or late), id either head home on my own or wait for you without telling you im done. Ok, maybe im jealous coz i didnt know where you went.. Maybe to Esplanade to chill or something and that person wasnt me.. See, how dumb i can get?! I dont even understand why i feel this way.. Omiegawd.. God help me...

Dear God, will you please make me jealous - proof?

Urgh.. Yea well, im not that perfect soulmate after all.. Didnt know why i asked you that question last night.. "If i left you behind without a word, what would you do?" I juz felt that one day, if i were to give you too much trouble, having all these thoughts and all, the only way would be to say goodbye without a word.. Just like what i wrote in one of my journals..

I love you.. I gez i love you way too much that i end up feeling this way. Its bad for me.. I dun even understand why or how i feel this way.. I dont wanna be like any normal girl you meet on the street, or any of the girls that you had a relationship with,, Im Eva Marie and i want to be different.. But it looks like im not so different after all..

Get these thoughts outta my head!! GRRrr..
1:50 AM
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